First thing first. I thought the drama ended but apparently not. And now i just don't care anymore. I don't even have the energy to care. Fuck the world! Fuck people! Not saying that I'm gonna be okay without other people, obviously I won't. But sometimes it's much more peaceful and trouble-free without thinking of other people. Okay, here's the thing. Let's ask ourselves what do we want in a friend? Don't give me the BULLSHIT that you don't want anything from you're friends. Also I don't like other people saying that "When a friend needs something. then only they come to you. If not, they wouldn't care." Well, FUCK YOU! have you heard "A friend in need, is a friend indeed."? And seriously, will you be friends with someone if you don't want anything from them? We need friends because we want people to advice us, share moments and memories, be the listener etc. that is needs! NEEDS!! Okay, some may say that "I'm always there for her/him. But she/he was never there for me." Well, its simple. You either put up with it or leave that person. It wouldn't be that hard. She/he is a bad friend anyway. Why would you wanna keep that kind of friend? Except, EXCEPT, that he/she is actually doing something right. There must be a reason you wanna keep them. Well, human is not perfect. We can't be everything other people wants us to be. Even if we change for a friend, our other friend might not like the newly changed us. We can't go and satisfy everyone. If I am a good friend, you will put up with my shit. Because you know what, you ain't perfect too! And I'm putting up with your shit too. I just dont say it. Because I accept your good and bad. And if I can't I wouldnt want to waste anymore time on that kind of friendship. Waste of energy and time. If you're having a problem with one of your friends, like for an instance... hmmm.... oh, you dont like the way she eats. Just a simple example. Say it! Right there and then! (in a good friendly way of course). Don't wait until you're fighting about something else two years later, the you confessed that you hate the way she eats this whole time!!! That is just stupid! Ungkit mengungkit is just stupid!!!
Enough of my ramblings. I just wanna say, that nobody is perfect. If you're having a problem with a friend;
1) Talk. Not text or chat! At least a phone call. Because with texts and chats, you just dont know the intonation of the other person. You read the way you read it.
2) Instead of hearing from other people and assume, ASK!!!
3) Stop and think. If your friend is accusing that you've done something. Stop talking and start thinking. Did I really do that? If no, then say no. If yes, say sorry and MEAN IT!! It's not that hard.
4) Do not. I repeat DO NOT ungkit mengungkit suddenly. What you have done for her/him. That just mean that you were never sincere on doing it. You just do it so when you have a fight you can come up with these things.
5) When you said, it's done. Everything is okay. Then it's okay. Don't go and send weird messages that gives a message that it's not finish yet. LET IT GO!!! You've said what you want to say. If that friend wants to change, let her/him. If not, leave him/her. SIMPLE!
6) When you have a fight, DO NOT drag any other friends into it. They're not part of the fight.
7) DO NOT compare yourself with other friends. Because if you get a friend who doesn't give a fuck. He/her would say, "because the other friend is better than you!" Would you wanna hear that? No, right!
8) If it's a fight in the same circle of friends. Don't ask for anyone to side you. I do think it's okay if you just want to vent out your anger or dissatisfaction but DO NOT ask them what you should do or agree with your decision. Because you are putting them in a difficult situation. This or that. And again if he/she picks the other friend wouldn't you be more hurt?
9) Give time to your friend to take it all in. If she does not want to talk yet. Let her/him be. She's not ready. DO NOT say that she/he doesn't care about the friendship. Even if she/he is the wrong one. It still hurts to be in a fight with a friend. They just need time to cool down and think what they should do and how to re-act after the fight.
10)When you ask them to change, let time decide on their changes. Do you want them to do it because they feel like they should do it? or do you want them to do it because they feel they have to. Terpaksa?
11) When a friend says something, instead of picking a fight out of it, try take it as good criticism for you to change to a better friend instead of taking all the negatives. Take note of the positives!
If you do or did more than 3 of the above, you might end up having a friend like me. I stop caring. I stop tolerating and I stop thinking that I'm wrong. Because you did wrong too. But instead of having a more longer fight with you, I just shut up and walk away. Because judging from everything you did above, you're not a 'REAL' friend to begin with to the point of there's no use for me to talk because I know it's a waste of time.
Note: I'm sorry if anyone get offended by this. If you don't agree with me feel free to curse me at your laptop/computer screen! For a certain someone, if you're wondering why I wrote this instead of talking to you straight.... Well, we tried "texting". It doesn't work. We refuse to listen to each other. But i understand why you're mad at me. It's just getting ridiculous and i don't think we can be friends like before. It's not that I don't want to make an effort to see you. I'm just too hurt to even make an extra effort. (*but I REALLY am having problems*) For now, I just don't feel like talking anymore. Let's just leave this at this. And maybe if everything turns out the way it should, we may pick it up where we left this friendship. If you don't want to be friends anymore, I understand. "To each, its own" I might not be the kind of friend you want. Instead of getting yourself hurt by me, better off you just leave me be. Thank you for everything. I seriously appreciate it. I DO!! Don't even for a second think that I did not. I'M SORRY.
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