hellow!!!! heheh~~~ i just got back from manila yesterday and im having flu!!! also asthma last night! damn~ anyways i was in manila for 4 days for christmas with my mum's family. it was ok. they were a sport! it was fun. but i was hoping more families were there.... boleh cari calon suami. huhu. but too bad. went shopping and spent some time with my family. i kinda miss them. oh christmas presents!!!! i like! plus it has been a long time ago my family actually celebrate christmas. the last time was when my grandma was still here. so i really miss christmas!!!! and i can wait to celebrate another one next year!! weee~~~ shopping was okay. i just wish im much more richer. it would have been a BLAST instead. hehehe =)
so im back now. lots of work to be done. project!!! haih~ but holiday is still on until the 2nd. so thats good!! oh, but i cant wait to start class! i miss my daily dose of bambam. and that red shirt!!! thanks for wearing that red long sleeve shirt for the last day before holiday :D and i can wait for our fufu session!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
hes looking good this past few days! damn~
going out. going out. going out. out. out. out.
red, flaming red, flaming green!!!! hwaaa~~~
going out. going out. going out. out. out. out.
red, flaming red, flaming green!!!! hwaaa~~~
so im sitting here in my room on monday afternoon watching futurama since the weekend. have i nothing else to do? nope. i have tons of stuff to do. test is next next week. project have to start purchasing the materials and start building the solar powered watering system. which im so afraid would not work. i'll be damned on engineering fair if it doesnt work. im hungry right now. and no money. i do have money, but very the limited la..... how to continue my life like this. when is a rich single, not ugly guy gonna ask me to marry him??? haih~~~ would make my life much bearable at the moment. i NEED to go to the gym!!!! oh my god!!! when oh when will i start going to the gym again??? maybe this Tuesday. that what belle told me anyway. i need to workout. kapus oh! hihi!! i need a new phone cuz my BB is getting stupider everyday. but i dont have money so i just have to bear with this phone. and my car keep on rosak*ing itself. which is annoying me more and more each time it did. huaaarghhh!!!! i need to start do my work! cant. be. too. lazy. like. this.!!! ok then, im gonnaplay some games on fb then get back to my futurama then find something to eat. andmaybe i do some research on my project if im rajin :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
have you ever wonder....
why i never call you first?
why i never be the one who asked you out or have dinner or just to meet you?
why i have weird status on my facebook?
why i post depressing songs on facebook?
why i poke you on facebook?
why i dont write on your wall anymore?
why i stop sending 'i miss you' message when i really am missing you?
why sometimes when im with you, it seems like im thinking about something else?
that for the first time i actually cried because of a guy and its you?
that i like you?
that it hurts me when you talk about her?
that it hurts me when you wanna be who you used to be?
that its REALLY HARD for me to stay close friends with you but i do it anyway?
that i miss your hugs?
that i miss running to your house when i have problems?
that i need you?
that every night you are the last thing i think about?
that i really want to call you but i cant?
that its hard, painful and exhausting to be in this situation?
i really want to end our friendship. cuz think about it, there is no way we can stay friends until the end of the day. you thought of getting married and i think you will. soon. do you think we can still be friends? think long and hard. so tell me, whats the point of all this?? dont you even think for a second that i dont cherish what we had. cuz you are important in my life. you are what i needed in a friend. and i never regret anything. yes, sometimes i do wish it never did happen. but i never regretted it. cuz when im with you, im ME. but is it worth it cultivating a friendship by going through all this. you might not feel the hurt im feeling. but dont you think im complicating your life? with the fights and attention that i want from you, which sometimes impossible for you to fulfill cause im just a friend? i dont know how long i can stay friends with you. i just dont know. but one day if we are not friends anymore, i dont want you to forget me. remember all the fun times we had. the stupid memories. cuz i wont forget anything. not a single detail. and i will always want the best for you. you are always more than a friend to me. even when everything comes to an end, you will always be THAT GUY.
why i never be the one who asked you out or have dinner or just to meet you?
why i have weird status on my facebook?
why i post depressing songs on facebook?
why i poke you on facebook?
why i dont write on your wall anymore?
why i stop sending 'i miss you' message when i really am missing you?
why sometimes when im with you, it seems like im thinking about something else?
that for the first time i actually cried because of a guy and its you?
that i like you?
that it hurts me when you talk about her?
that it hurts me when you wanna be who you used to be?
that its REALLY HARD for me to stay close friends with you but i do it anyway?
that i miss your hugs?
that i miss running to your house when i have problems?
that i need you?
that every night you are the last thing i think about?
that i really want to call you but i cant?
that its hard, painful and exhausting to be in this situation?
i really want to end our friendship. cuz think about it, there is no way we can stay friends until the end of the day. you thought of getting married and i think you will. soon. do you think we can still be friends? think long and hard. so tell me, whats the point of all this?? dont you even think for a second that i dont cherish what we had. cuz you are important in my life. you are what i needed in a friend. and i never regret anything. yes, sometimes i do wish it never did happen. but i never regretted it. cuz when im with you, im ME. but is it worth it cultivating a friendship by going through all this. you might not feel the hurt im feeling. but dont you think im complicating your life? with the fights and attention that i want from you, which sometimes impossible for you to fulfill cause im just a friend? i dont know how long i can stay friends with you. i just dont know. but one day if we are not friends anymore, i dont want you to forget me. remember all the fun times we had. the stupid memories. cuz i wont forget anything. not a single detail. and i will always want the best for you. you are always more than a friend to me. even when everything comes to an end, you will always be THAT GUY.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
im taking a break from doing my lab report. have been doing this for the past 7 hours!!!! huargh!!! why cant this lab report type itself??? huhu~~ why am i so slow?? but the questions for the discussion part is freaking hard!!!!! its so annoying. i can just copy my friends report and paraphrase it but that will defeat the purpose of me continuing my study right? im suppose to learn and know all this!!! haih~ dudududud~~~~
Friday, November 19, 2010
I think i LIKE him!!!!
ngeeee~~~ *blushing* haha!!!
well, this is a story about a guy named Bambam (real name is P&C)!!the first time it was just "oh, hes cute." thats it. until the day he came and ask for a lighter. but i was being kinda bitchy so i just pushed the lighter towards him and not even looking at him. then he sits at another table with his friend. and suddenly, i was like "hmmm... hes not bad at all."
after that he never even tried to talk to me. we always walk next to each other to the parking lot, cuz we park our car at the same parking space. but he never said anything to me. and just walk. maybe cuz i was being a bitch when he asked for the lighter, he assumed that im some bitcy, proud girl. but the more we didnt talk to each other, the more he acts like he doesnt know me at all, the more he makes himself out of reach the more im attracted to him!!! it got crazy for me! i was like a highschool girl who have a crush on this boy who acts like i didnt exist. haha!!! i really really did like him at that time. there was a point where i think im in love with him. but i never actually had a conversation with him and i dont even KNOW him.
then one day, we had lunch together. a group of friends. and he was there. then i went to have a smoke. alone. just as i light up my cigarette and turn around he was there behind me smoking. you already sit on the same table for lunch, it would be weird if we smoke separately and acted like we didnt know each other. so we smoke together. thats the very first conversation we had. formal at first. name. from which uni. age. from age we start to loosen up and from there we talk about ourselves quite a bit and how the people around us are goody goody and needs some evil changes. haha! oh, and he actually waits for me to finish my cigarette and walk back to our friends together. i know its normal. but i think its kinda sweet too. that was it. i was hooked to him!!! i want to see him everyday.
then, as always...... the thrill of chasing him was gone. like i said the more he acts like hes hard to reach the more attracted i am to him. and now we talk to each other so i guess the thrill of chasing him was gone. and the feeling i have for him also gone. he was back to "oh, hes cute. thats it" guy. for a week and so.. mind you, we only had that one conversation, then nothing. one of the other reason is maybe because i had a dream that hes married. and my vivid dreams are always trying to tell me something. it happened twice, the thing that i dream of becomes real or nearly real. and i was preparing myself for it. the NEXT day, i saw a girl picking him up. the wife? haha!!or maybe if the dream was nearly real, a girlfriend that hes in a solid relationship with. hmmmm....
what do i feel? hmmm.... not really crazy of him like before, but its not like no feeling at all... a little bit glad that he was there. the question is, do i like him??? how do you know, really know that you like that person?
*Reeha Hamed*
well, this is a story about a guy named Bambam (real name is P&C)!!the first time it was just "oh, hes cute." thats it. until the day he came and ask for a lighter. but i was being kinda bitchy so i just pushed the lighter towards him and not even looking at him. then he sits at another table with his friend. and suddenly, i was like "hmmm... hes not bad at all."
after that he never even tried to talk to me. we always walk next to each other to the parking lot, cuz we park our car at the same parking space. but he never said anything to me. and just walk. maybe cuz i was being a bitch when he asked for the lighter, he assumed that im some bitcy, proud girl. but the more we didnt talk to each other, the more he acts like he doesnt know me at all, the more he makes himself out of reach the more im attracted to him!!! it got crazy for me! i was like a highschool girl who have a crush on this boy who acts like i didnt exist. haha!!! i really really did like him at that time. there was a point where i think im in love with him. but i never actually had a conversation with him and i dont even KNOW him.
then one day, we had lunch together. a group of friends. and he was there. then i went to have a smoke. alone. just as i light up my cigarette and turn around he was there behind me smoking. you already sit on the same table for lunch, it would be weird if we smoke separately and acted like we didnt know each other. so we smoke together. thats the very first conversation we had. formal at first. name. from which uni. age. from age we start to loosen up and from there we talk about ourselves quite a bit and how the people around us are goody goody and needs some evil changes. haha! oh, and he actually waits for me to finish my cigarette and walk back to our friends together. i know its normal. but i think its kinda sweet too. that was it. i was hooked to him!!! i want to see him everyday.
then, as always...... the thrill of chasing him was gone. like i said the more he acts like hes hard to reach the more attracted i am to him. and now we talk to each other so i guess the thrill of chasing him was gone. and the feeling i have for him also gone. he was back to "oh, hes cute. thats it" guy. for a week and so.. mind you, we only had that one conversation, then nothing. one of the other reason is maybe because i had a dream that hes married. and my vivid dreams are always trying to tell me something. it happened twice, the thing that i dream of becomes real or nearly real. and i was preparing myself for it. the NEXT day, i saw a girl picking him up. the wife? haha!!or maybe if the dream was nearly real, a girlfriend that hes in a solid relationship with. hmmmm....
what do i feel? hmmm.... not really crazy of him like before, but its not like no feeling at all... a little bit glad that he was there. the question is, do i like him??? how do you know, really know that you like that person?
*Reeha Hamed*
Friday, November 5, 2010
ok, so ive been in Taylors for a month plus. CRAZY TAYLORS!!!!!!! its the first semester in my first year but its even harder than 2nd year in uia!!!! My god!!! its stressful!!! but its a good kind of stress compared to UIA. Not enough sleep. Semester project, reports, assignments, SET project, tests!!! oh my, i need to really organize myself. time-management is crucial for me now.
the sad thing about this is, i dont have time to see my friends. i miss them! alot!!!! and when i get to see them, its like im not in the circle anymore. cuz they do things together and they did try to include me in but i dont have the time and im always busy. one of close friend says that im abandoning her. she understands but i understand what she meant by that. i always said that if you really care for the friendship you would take time off and see your friends. and right now im trying. and it means more sleepless nights and more tiredness. but its okay, i love them!! and theyve always been there for me. i know if i say that im busy they would understand, but i wana be with them. i wanna have their companionship. and 2 days ago seeing them is kinda refreshing. it reminds me why i love them so much! and with them i dont feel stressed. theyre like a breathe of fresh air after all the craziness of work!!!
why do important calls have to happen when my phone is out of batt or i off my phone purposely so that i can rest or just have fun with my friends without anyone disturbing me??!!! when its on, no important calls and only stupid, unimportant calls. stoooopid!!! Now i dont know why the divisional office was really trying to call me, till they actually called my dad. and my dad pulak didnt ask why they called. sot!! haha
till next time,
*reeha hamed*
the sad thing about this is, i dont have time to see my friends. i miss them! alot!!!! and when i get to see them, its like im not in the circle anymore. cuz they do things together and they did try to include me in but i dont have the time and im always busy. one of close friend says that im abandoning her. she understands but i understand what she meant by that. i always said that if you really care for the friendship you would take time off and see your friends. and right now im trying. and it means more sleepless nights and more tiredness. but its okay, i love them!! and theyve always been there for me. i know if i say that im busy they would understand, but i wana be with them. i wanna have their companionship. and 2 days ago seeing them is kinda refreshing. it reminds me why i love them so much! and with them i dont feel stressed. theyre like a breathe of fresh air after all the craziness of work!!!
why do important calls have to happen when my phone is out of batt or i off my phone purposely so that i can rest or just have fun with my friends without anyone disturbing me??!!! when its on, no important calls and only stupid, unimportant calls. stoooopid!!! Now i dont know why the divisional office was really trying to call me, till they actually called my dad. and my dad pulak didnt ask why they called. sot!! haha
till next time,
*reeha hamed*
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Life as We Know It
okay, so..... im entering my 4th week in Taylor's. so far, its ok... tho im wee bit older than most of them or maybe all of them... haha! who knows? anyways, its kinda more tough engineering-wise compared to UIA, instead of final year project, we already have projects for first year, first semester. and my group is doing SOLAR WATERING SYSTEM. damn~ i dont know how we are gonna finish it. but the least i can do is give 100% to it and have faith. haha.
and "that guy". hmmm... im not sure with what im feeling. have i moved on? really? sometimes im very sure of it then suddenly i dont. im not sure if having him in my life as a friend is a good thing or not. sometimes im afraid. i dont know. hard to say.... i thought it would be easier to discard him from my life. but its hard! its hard to forget the memories we had. haih~ sometimes when i think he doesnt care about me anymore, i made him to be. and then i start to think again i dont want him to be. its all confusing. distracting myself to other guys doesnt help too... hish!! enoughla!!!
8 months being in KK and now back in KL makes me miss home an family.. huhu~~~ but when im back home i wish i was here. haha. im fickle minded and indecisive. i know!!! but my life since taylor's was actually great!! i start being more responsible and setting my priorities right! i know when i should have fun and when i have to be focused. thats a good thing. but i miss my close friends!!! being in a different uni makes it harder to meet each other and spend time together. and i love my friends too much!! combine all of them their are my perfect boyfriend!!! =)
im blogging from my new laptop by the way!! its about time!!! my laptop of 5 years is still working but so kesian already the condition. haha. thats all for now! when im free,i'll blog again.
*reeha hamed*
and "that guy". hmmm... im not sure with what im feeling. have i moved on? really? sometimes im very sure of it then suddenly i dont. im not sure if having him in my life as a friend is a good thing or not. sometimes im afraid. i dont know. hard to say.... i thought it would be easier to discard him from my life. but its hard! its hard to forget the memories we had. haih~ sometimes when i think he doesnt care about me anymore, i made him to be. and then i start to think again i dont want him to be. its all confusing. distracting myself to other guys doesnt help too... hish!! enoughla!!!
8 months being in KK and now back in KL makes me miss home an family.. huhu~~~ but when im back home i wish i was here. haha. im fickle minded and indecisive. i know!!! but my life since taylor's was actually great!! i start being more responsible and setting my priorities right! i know when i should have fun and when i have to be focused. thats a good thing. but i miss my close friends!!! being in a different uni makes it harder to meet each other and spend time together. and i love my friends too much!! combine all of them their are my perfect boyfriend!!! =)
im blogging from my new laptop by the way!! its about time!!! my laptop of 5 years is still working but so kesian already the condition. haha. thats all for now! when im free,i'll blog again.
*reeha hamed*
Saturday, October 2, 2010
To a New Start. A New Beginning.
I'll be starting my new semester on Monday in a new place called Taylor's College. Hopefully it would be good or in fact better than when i was in UIA. i have a lot of hopes and dreams tied to this new phase of my life. And i wouldnt wanna mess it up again. no. not anymore. i've been through a lot of changes this past 10 months of doing nothing. im starting to prioritize which is more important than which, friends who bring out the best and the worst of me, thing i need to let go, things i need to keep in my life and things that actually can make me be a better person.
I need to straighten up myself and make the right decisions this time. this is my second chance. theres no such thing as second second chance. its make or break this time. no more playing around, messing around and playing around. if i do everything right i would still have time to playaround and have fun yet excelling on my studies. its not impossible as long as i put my mind in it right??
most of all, i need the friends that actually support me all the way. i dont need friends whos only there when im there for them and have no initiative to keep the friendship. sorry but goodbye to these people. i had enough of you who partly ruined my life. so thanks alot, i dont need you. goodbye. as hard as it is for me to let go of these people, its time for me to make the right decisions for my life. cuz in the end its my life im living not theirs. and im the one whos dealing with the consequences of decisions that i made in my life. whatever it is i would remember all the friends i had, the memories and the good times. i pray for happiness in their life and i would still cherish them but maybe only from afar.
so cheers to a new beginning, a new start. hopefully this is my time to shine! =)
I need to straighten up myself and make the right decisions this time. this is my second chance. theres no such thing as second second chance. its make or break this time. no more playing around, messing around and playing around. if i do everything right i would still have time to playaround and have fun yet excelling on my studies. its not impossible as long as i put my mind in it right??
most of all, i need the friends that actually support me all the way. i dont need friends whos only there when im there for them and have no initiative to keep the friendship. sorry but goodbye to these people. i had enough of you who partly ruined my life. so thanks alot, i dont need you. goodbye. as hard as it is for me to let go of these people, its time for me to make the right decisions for my life. cuz in the end its my life im living not theirs. and im the one whos dealing with the consequences of decisions that i made in my life. whatever it is i would remember all the friends i had, the memories and the good times. i pray for happiness in their life and i would still cherish them but maybe only from afar.
so cheers to a new beginning, a new start. hopefully this is my time to shine! =)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
2010 upto 8
Well. its only turning September... yet a lot of things happened this past 8 months.
*deaths ( a lot of it!!!)
ive done a lot of learning this past 8 months... A LOT!!!! only god knows what i went through this year.. its like a class called LIFE 101. Reeha's gonna learn about living the real life and how to deal with it in 8 months and she have no choice but to make mistake, learn and move on. thats how life goes on!
im gonna start my new semester in Oct in a new place and new environment. possibly new friends. im excited yet afraid. we'll see what will happen... but with what i went through this couple of months im ready for anything... nothing can break me or stop me from wanting what i want best for myself this time!!! starting this October its all about the NEW Reeha.... world, wait and see... you cant handle me! :D
*deaths ( a lot of it!!!)
ive done a lot of learning this past 8 months... A LOT!!!! only god knows what i went through this year.. its like a class called LIFE 101. Reeha's gonna learn about living the real life and how to deal with it in 8 months and she have no choice but to make mistake, learn and move on. thats how life goes on!
im gonna start my new semester in Oct in a new place and new environment. possibly new friends. im excited yet afraid. we'll see what will happen... but with what i went through this couple of months im ready for anything... nothing can break me or stop me from wanting what i want best for myself this time!!! starting this October its all about the NEW Reeha.... world, wait and see... you cant handle me! :D
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
DEMI FARAH PUNYA PASAL..... and drama yang aku minta dia post via snail mail!
Terms and Conditions:
1. selongkar beg anda, xkisah la beg duit ke, beg tangan ke, beg bimbit ke, i dont care!2.ambil gmba barang2 dan tag kan gmba tersebut.
3.ceritkan serba sedikit kenapa anda memerlukan barang itu berada dalam beg setiap hari setiap masa.
4.akhir sekali, tag 5 orang.
Disebabkan oleh keboringan yang melanda, i was willing to upload this stupid pictures via my BB storm to my facebook profile just to upload it to my lappie since my cable is nowhere to be found! huhuhu~~~
**so this is my handbag... one of the ONLY two i bring back to sabah!!!! huhu~~ i didnt expect to be here for the whole 6 months!!!**

**headband patah... haha!!**
**no comment!!**

**tissue from frenz cafe that i went last sunday~~ i think its cute!**
**sampah yang aku jumpa... haha! i will throw it away!!**
1. FARAH (kalau dah tukar bag nanti)
2,3,4,5. siapa2 yang terasa nak buat dan buang masa =P

1. FARAH (kalau dah tukar bag nanti)
2,3,4,5. siapa2 yang terasa nak buat dan buang masa =P
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