Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Voice of reason from the Brain

silence. maybe.
that's what other people see. 
but inside, it's loud! very loud!
only I know.

what are you doing here again?
I pushed you to the very back. where i keep the memories.
but you keep on pushing yourself forward again.
so she sees you again?
remember you every second, every minute, every hour in me and in every beat of her heart?

when it comes to you,
I hate that my dear friend, Heart has to be involved.
she doesn't listen to me.
she does things that might hurt herself.
I know, because I think. 
I know what might happen when she's the one deciding.

you know she's her weakness.
you pull her heart string. 
I always wonder, what do you want from her?
you come and go as you like. 
you hurt my friend, Heart.
when Heart is hurting, she is too.
she's our vessel. 
whatever we feel, she feels it too.
and Tears have to come and wash away the pain.
I have to find a way for Laughter to give her a visit.

me and Heart and Tears and Laughter have something to say.
we beg you. please! please!
don't take advantage of her Heart and blinded by her Laughter.
inside, her Heart is breaking and Tears are crying silently.
I can think what's best for her but if Heart wants you,
I have no power over her.

if you care for her,
i hope you will do this for her.
let her go. if you only want to play with her.
fight for her, only if you want her with all your being.

you know the choice is always yours.
even if you want to keep on hurting her,
Heart will convince her that it's worth it.
but I can't live with her like this. 
stupid decision after stupid decision.
please set her free, or make her smile.
please, make up your mind.

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