Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tears for panda_rain.

Have any of you ever cried because of an email address? i'm on the verge of crying because of mine!!! My email!! I have been using this email since i was 12 years old! It has been 11 years.... and the name of this email add have become a part of me. It defines me!

2 days ago, I tried logging in to my email account to check my emails. and they said that my email have been hacked and they're blocking it. so i have to contact support and give as much details as I can about my email and they will try to unblock it if they can make sure from the details that I'm the owner of that email add. the thing is, i have never forget my password and its been 11 years. i cant remember my secret question and answer. I don't remember which address and phone number i put in my profile. I don't remember anything that I fill in when i was 12. so its a lost cause. i can't save my email add anymore.

it makes me sad. very sad. its my whole life in there. there's email that i have been saving for years!!! my msn buddies, old friends who don't have facebook and my online friend for 2 years who i never met but we are good friends. where and how can i get that back?!! it's not fair!!! i want everything back!!!!!

for 2 days I tried to think of the positive side of this thing happening to me. and I can only come up with one. which makes me even sadder! maybe it's time for me to learn to let go. some thing are not meant to be ours forever. maybe i have to let go that 12 year old reeha and venture into some new things. but somehow, that reeha always remind me of who i should be and promises i've made to myself when i was growing up. i feel so old. however i tried on letting it go i just cant. i thought of ceating a new email using the same name. it's just no the same. i know its not the original. so what am i gonna do???

please, give me my email back.......... T_T